Friday, 19 July 2013

Lollie And Md Broke Up Interview - MD

Hello Woozens I am currently interviewing mdanics from PC on Woozworld about him and Lollie breaking up! So far I only got 2 questions answered but the second really wasn't really a answer and I am digging for more. Ready to see it?! 
Me: Did U break up with her or did she break up with you. Him: She broke up with me. 
Me: Why did she break up with you? Him: That is none of your concern. 
Me: Are you happier or 'sadder' (spelling error there lol) now that you guys are broke up? 
Him: I am alot happier. 
Me: Do U think the break-ups for the best? Him: Yes. 
Me: Did U and lollie fight when u were dating? Him: Why do u want to know this? Me: Cuz I want to learn more. Him: Why?Me: Can U plz just answer the question? Him: NO! 
Me: Okay this interview is over. Thanks for your time. 

WOW! Drama attack much. Lol hes such a brat sometimes but ya gotta love him! :) He's hilarious and makes great videos so I'm not gonna trash him lol. I'm nicer then that and you guys know I wouldn't trash him.. that bad ... Lol
Anyways, I'll go find more gossip! x3

~Scarlette       #THE RANDOMIZER xx

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